[652] Troop Meeting

St. Basil Catholic Church 8700 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, Ohio

[652] Troop Meeting

St. Basil Catholic Church 8700 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, Ohio

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)

Firelands Scout Reservation (Camp Wyandot) 52500 Bates Road, Wakeman, Ohio

Lake Erie Council's premier youth leadership training. Scouts must be at least 13 at the time of NYLT and have achieved First Class rank. They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops and have a unit leader recommendation. Many of our older Scouts have attended NYLT and benefited from this training. See details…

St. Basil Parish Picnic

St. Basil Catholic Church 8700 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, Ohio

The troop will help at this event including set-up, tear-down, and service during the picnic. A sign-up will be shared by email.

[652B] PLC Meeting

St. Basil Catholic Church 8700 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, Ohio

Monthly planning meeting for youth leaders. SPL, ASPL, patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders should attend.

[652] Troop Meeting

St. Basil Catholic Church 8700 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, Ohio

[652] BSA Summer Camp #1

Manatoc Scout Reservation 1075 Truxell Road, Peninsula, Ohio

Scouts will spend a week of summer camp at Manatoc Scout Reservation in Peninsula, Ohio. This week of summer camp is being coordinated by Mr. Metyk. Watch for emails with details.

[652] Troop Meeting

St. Basil Catholic Church 8700 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, Ohio

[652B] Pop & Water Sale Fundraiser

652B will hold its annual pop & water sale during Brecksville Home Days. All families must help at this event. A shift sign-up and details TBA.