Venture Crew 652 will do a high adventure 50-mile paddle trek on the New River. The river includes Class I to IV rapids. Crews camp along the miles along the river through the New River Gorge. The crew may spend an extra day sightseeing in the New River Gorge National Park. Speak with Mrs. Melnykowski…
Virtus training session at St. Basil. Volunteers who work with minors must complete all of the Virtus compliance requirements before they are approved to volunteer. Troop parents are highly encouraged to attend Virtus training whether they volunteer or not. At this link, choose Cleveland, OH (Diocese) to see all available sessions and register.
Pack 652’s annual kick-off event and information night. Scouts are needed to run games and activity stations, plus we will have a troop information table. Watch for an email with more details. There will not be a regular troop meeting.